My February TBR was really ambitious considering that I have half the hours of a day reserved for coursework. There were a few longer books, some of them I have been postponing reading for way too long. In the end, I didn't complete my February's goal fully, but still got a pretty decent score.
Make It Count
Tamar Sloan
Full review
361 pages
Frost Security: Richard
Glenna Sinclair
Full review
278 pages
Black Mark's Heart
Ebony Olson
Full review
235 pages
King's Cage
Victoria Aveyard
Full review
528 pages
Crossing Into Brooklyn
Mary Ann McGuigan
Full review
224 pages
Reaper's Redemption
Simone Elise
Full review
407 pages
My Unexpected
Lia Gilmore
Full review
256 pages
Topaz And Lace
Amber Laura
Full review
321 pages
As I am writing this, my laptop doesn't want to cooperate and keeps losing the Internet connection every two minutes. And to reconnect me to the world again, it needs to be restarted every single time. While it is almost too annoying to withstand, it gives me reading time. I am currently reading Danielle E. Shipley's book Inspired and am about to be finished with it. Only about fifty pages left.
My March TBR is as follows and it's ten books, but I'll do it! This time I will read them all, you'll see.
Inspired, Danielle E. Shipley
Control Freakz, Michale Evans
Forbidden, Simone Elise
Rebel Song, Amanda J. Clay
Inking Innocence, Laikyn Meng
First Crush, Last Love, Elizabeth McKenna
Soul Catcher, Tony Moyle
Everlost, Candace Knoebel
The Dead Kids Club, L. Taylor
Pen & Xander, Laekan Zea Kemp
Other exciting news is that the author of Pen & Xander, Laekan Zea Kemp is hosting a giveaway with lots of cool prizes such as a Kindle Fire, her entire backlist, and signed copies. You can enter the giveaway here and get more information about the giveaway and the author here.
I must confess that I miss flying. I have been 'grounded' for an entire month today. What happened, you ask. My contract was due to end to another airline soon and I got a spot on a bigger carrier's training course, which I am on now. The course is about halfway through, and we are nearing a hands-on week, which means that I'll be up in the air again! If anyone from my training is reading this; I love you all, you are the best! Now, go back to memorising the wine list.
How has your February been? Tell me in the comment section, leave a link to your February wrap-up and March TBR! Now, I am going to make another bucket of coffee and prepare for Zoe's (from readbyzoe) 24-hour readathon. Wish me luck!
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