10 Aug 2017

Review: Two Hundred Very Short Stories


 This collection of short stories is very true to its name. All the stories, with the exception of a very few, can be read in a just couple of minutes or less. 

Though the book is a combination of different stories the subject tend all to lean towards the miracles of life: birth, love, tragedies, and death. How one person's decision to stop and help the one in need may be a life-changing turn for both of them. How a tragedy can lead to happiness and happiness plummet to tragedy. Life changes quickly without us noticing it immediately and that's what this collection made me very aware of.

Although many of the stories were not happy or ended well, reading wasn't too hard. Sometimes a very emotional book is hard and slow to read and thus can't be read at your normal speed. This wasn't the case. The things that will slow you down are the gaps. You don't get to know everything, so you have to make your own deductions, and sometimes, read the entire story again to realise the answers hidden between the lines.

This was a great read. Normally I am not a fan of short stories, never have been, but this did not disappoint me at all. And just look at the cover. Such a pretty thing. 😍

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