Alessandra Harris, thank you for gifting me this book for reading and reviewing.
The story is told from four point of views. There are two couples who are neighbours and friends. Both couples have serious problems, that are somewhat life changing. Still there's no honesty nor trust in their relationships. When the troubles expand from the neighbouring house for the rest of the world to see, then it's time to confront the truth. And the truth after secrets is never beautiful.
Those of you who have undergone or followed another person who has had mental issues, divorce, abusing relationships, cheating, or any kind hard trouble in your lives, this book really might feel hard to read. Alessandra Harris tells the story without leaving any detail out. It's like following the characters in real life. The troubles and the basic things in life that should make you happy are written in so vivid detail that they feel real. It's quite common to forget that the little things in life we should be happy about are surrounding us almost everywhere. Blaming the Wind made me realise that. And it made me have more respect for my parents for my upbringing despite all the hard times.